Examination Department

Examination Department

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Evaluation plays a pivotal role in the educational system.

To make assessment more meaningful, several aspects have been considered. With a focus on linking evaluation procedures with learning outcomes, the policy emphasizes a Learning Outcome-based framework to structure and link evaluation to University goals. It specifies the activities and assessment models required per examination policy to be followed at the University Level.

Taking a more comprehensive view of evaluation, this policy covers different types of assessments considering the requisite learning attributes. The evaluation procedures have been categorized into two major types - Continuous Assessment and End Semester Assessment. Emphasis has been laid on the major proportion of testing to be based on internal assessment modes. The document elaborates on the grading system used and focuses on the modularization method of teaching and evaluation.

Aligned with the Swiss Dual System of Education, the assessment of the students adheres to the principle that "those who teach should evaluate." While emphasizing the principles of modularization and in compliance with the UGC recommendations, a significant weightage is assigned to Continuous Assessment against the weightage assigned to End-Semester Assessment.

In the process of teaching the modules and on completion of the same, students showcase the attainment of the required competencies (as this happens close to the time of the learning processes) fulfilling the objectives of the modules.

The components of Vocational Education based on the Swiss Dual system are classified as:

  • University Semester
    • Vocational Training (VT): Vocational education and training (BSDU) imparts coherent and in-depth vocational knowledge in the classrooms and workshops as per the Education Plan.
    • Branch Course (BC): The Branch Course teaches basic skills that complement the trainings carried out at other learning locations. It ensures a certain standardisation and coordination of the content of vocational training, as the emphasis in the companies can be different.
    • General Education (GE): General Education prepares students for life in society by developing sensitivity in them towards the professional, social, and moral dimensions of their lives. The systematic development of knowledge structures in General Education serve to be the prerequisites for independent thinking and lifelong learning enabling them to accept and master the challenges of everyday life.
  • Workplace Training (WT)

    During the even semesters i.e. 2, 4, and 6 the students undergo Workplace training in the industries to practice the hands-on skills learnt in the University Semester at BSDU and upgrade their knowledge and skills to attain the competencies as per the Education Plans of the respective Skill Faculty.

  • Skill Component & General Education Component

    The Programs of the University comprise two broad components - the Skill Component and the General Education Component. The Skill Component constitutes 80% of the total curriculum and conducts skill training in three major categories namely Vocational Training (VT), Branch Course (BC) and Workplace Training (WT). The students will receive skill training in the University in the odd semesters and will undergo workplace training in the industries in the even semesters.

    The second component which is the General Education component constitutes 20% of the total curriculum. The modules under this component are held in the University Semester at BSDU for the students of all Faculties.

Dr. Rakesh Choudhary
Deputy Controller of Examinations
Bhartiya Skill Development University Jaipur
Email: deputy.coe@ruj-bsdu.in
Phone: 0141-6655440, Ex.: 675, 676

Examination Process

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Examination Schedule
Application Formats

In-Sem Examination Winter Semester 2023-24

Examination Team
  • Dr. Rakesh Choudhary, Deputy Controller of Examinations
  • Mr. Girraj Prasad Soni, Executive-Examinations
  • Ms. Alka Choudhary, Office Assistant-Examinations